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Moments and Memories

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Dear Reader,

I would like to ask you some questions. Have you ever stopped, and questioned what’s happening around you, your surroundings, the thoughts flowing through your mind? Have you ever mentally removed yourself from a situation and wondered, how did I get here? If you answered ‘yes’ to the previous questions, I would like to ask one final question. Have you ever wondered if you will ever be able to relive that particular circumstance?

 This line of questioning is not unlike the grossly over used proverb “stop and smell the roses”, a saying that, until recently, I have been unable to fully comprehend. However, the start of a new chapter in my life has forced me to pause and smell the proverbial roses, and has also made me realise that I have failed to cherish certain moments in my life, moments that I will never be able to relive, and this realisation is one that will haunt me for years. My inability to see the “bigger picture” got in the way of me creating memories that would have lasted a lifetime, and the horrible feeling of regret is beginning to set in.

Of course, it is never the end. Until one has taken their final breath, one can always create memories and can always savour moments. These are words that I plan to live by, for the feeling of anguish and pangs of regret are certainly not desirable, and with conviction, I can say that I would not like to bear them once again. I suggest you do the same.

So the next time you’re out with friends or family, mentally extract yourself and remember that you may never be in a similar situation with the same set of people again, and that you should enjoy yourself to the fullest in order to put another brilliant memory in the bank, one that can be withdrawn later in life, and remembered with a level of fondness that is unmatched.


  1. Hey, I found this today. I like both your posts: they're well-written. I hope you post regularly, I'll look forward to the next one. ^-^


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